Report a bug

EntraPT is regularly and extensively tested and validated by our team and by many users. However, unspotted bugs or inconsistencies might happen in complex codes.

If you discover a bug or inconsistencies in the calculations, please let us know!

The easiest way is to send us a bug report as soon as you notice the bug. Just click on Help -> Report bug in the top bar of EntraPT and confirm that you want to send the report.

We will receive a report with a summary of your last actions on the app. For most evident bugs, this is enough for us to reproduce the error.

However, it you have further comments on this bug we encourage you to contact us specifying the code of the bug report generated by the app. Please give us as many details as you can, especially if you think that the calculation is not correct. This is extremely useful and helps us a lot to improve EntraPT!


No personal information is stored in the report (e.g. Username, IP number). However, some or all of your data (e.g. strain of the inclusions, labels etc.) might be included in it. We will use these data for the only purpose of reproducing the bug that you have experienced.